Water on a Mission: standing by WAMI

Change must come from ourselves first. Therefore, we promote awareness and active social participation through numerous monthly Awareness programs and Social Volunteering calls to action. Seeding consciousness is the first step to making everyone actively contribute to Change, with tangible results, and Empowerment means giving people the occasion and the means to make a difference […]

Ranked by Deloitte Private Italian “Best Managed Companies”

Milan, Oct. 4th, 2022 – PQE Group is among the winners of the fifth edition of the “Best Managed Companies” Award, an initiative promoted by Deloitte Private Italy to support and reward Italian business excellence. For two years in a row, PQE Group has earned a spot in the winner list that has been carefully made […]

Alongside Rare Partners to defeat rare diseases

Since 2016 PQE Group actively supports the non-profit association Rare Partners in the developing of new therapies and diagnosticians in the field of rare diseases. Indeed 1 out of 20 people will live with a rare disease at some point in their life, for this reason it is important to raise people’s awareness by talking about this […]

Sailing for Change

PQE Israel subsidiary had an outstanding Build team activity on a unique boat whose purpose is ‘Sailing for Change.’ Arranged by Mifrasim – a non-profit organization based on a community of volunteers whose goal is to enhance group skills through sailing voyages on this unique boat. Its target audience is also the business sector – […]

PQE Campaing for the Orange Day

For The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – November 25th – we have interviewed three Afghanistan women’s team soccer players who fled their country after Kabul fell again into the Taliban’s hands. This experience involved all PQE Group employees who collaborated in writing the interview conducted by our Communication Department. An […]

Together with AMARE Onlus

PQE Group with AMARE for “GIRL TO GIRLS” Due to poor social conditions and early pregnancy, many girls in Ethiopia can’t correctly carry their studies and scholarship on. Thanks also to PQE Group support, AMARE has implemented the “GIRL TO GIRLS” project. The initiative aimed to combat school absenteeism and dropout, providing school supplies, personal […]

PQE Group among the 100 Italian Women Value Companies

We are pleased to announce that PQE Group has been elected among the 100 Italian Women Value Companies in Italy. Women Value Company Intesa Sanpaolo is now in its sixth year and represents a special category of the Marisa Bellisario Award inspired by the memory of the first woman top manager in our country. The Marisa […]

United Pharma Technologies Inc. joins the PQE Federation

We are very glad to announce that United Pharma Technologies Inc. (UPT), a resources’ services agency based in New Jersey – USA, founded and managed by Vasantha Madasu is now officially federated with PQE Group in a close-knit alliance that will allow us to scale up projects’ staff and capabilities faster and more efficiently. Reporting to the Top Management, Vasantha Madasu […]

Among “The 50 Most Important Consulting Companies in Mexico”

With recent strong growth in Mexico, PQE Group has been named as one of “The 50 Most Important Consulting Companies in Mexico”. This edition, published annually for 13 years by the Revista Consultoría, presents a list of the best companies in different sectors through the execution of various projects that have supported the development of the country’s industry. […]

Two business acquisitions plus PQE Australia and Argentina inauguration

United Pharma Technologies Inc, a service company based in New Jersey, and Quintian Pharma, based in Malta, officially joined PQE Group through a new M&A model: the Federation. Meanwhile, the group is preparing to open new offices in Melbourne (Australia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The first half of 2022 has closed highly positively for PQE […]