On-Demand Webinars

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Each of our webinars is hosted after the live broadcast and can be viewed free of charge.
Choose a session and your favored language, register and join our online platform.

Entering the EU Market

Deep dive in medicine’s registration road map

GAMPĀ® 5 2nd Edition

Critical Thinking and Agile Software Development as per GAMPĀ® 5 2nd Edition

Disaster Recovery process in a regulated Company

How to approach the Disaster Recovery using a Cloud Computing Solution ensuring a correct adoption process

Are you really moving towards a GLocal Regulatory approach?

Focus on Orbis and Access Consortium Projects

How can MD approach the new regulatory landscape

MD Market Clearance and latest FDA guidance

Sustainability Challenges in the Life Science World

Focus on Engineering

AI and Cybersecurity: the future is now!

Special focus on the implications in the regulated environments

Why our webinars?

Always Available

Unlimited access to the recordings.

Budget Friendly

Significant cost savings on logistic expenses.


Available in different languages.

Reliable & Updated

Led by our leading consultants on current hot topics.

Time Efficient

Sessions last one hour and a half max and do not require travel.