A call for Smart Industry by CHIST-ERA on Big Data and Process Modelling

A program for European Coordinated Research on Long-term Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and ICT-based scientific challenges, CHIST-ERA annually calls for research proposals on key emerging topics. In 2017, the brief was ‘Big Data and process modeling for the smart industry.

Partnering with Industry Leaders and Universities to lead Innovation

The call was addressed by a consortium composed of two Industrial partners—PQE Group (Italy) and Istituto De Angeli-Fareva (Italy)—and three Academic Partners—National College of Ireland (Ireland), University of Thessaly (Greece) and Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).

Blockchain, Cloud Computing and Data Quality, for Smart Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (SPuMoNI)

The Consortium brings together state-of-the-art expertise and capacity for developing and promoting new approaches for Smart Pharmaceutical MaNufacturIng (SPuMoNI) to support the Pharmaceutical industry using leading computational and data quality techniques. It combines partners with a track record in pharmaceutical production systems, cloud computing, blockchain technologies, and data quality.
Presented at the CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar as part of the EU Presidency 2019 activities in Bucharest last April, SPuMoNI receives financial support from the European Union and is worth over 1.1 M Euro.