Milan, 28 September 2021 – PQE Group is among the winners of the fourth edition of the “Best Managed Companies” Award, an initiative promoted by Deloitte Private to support and reward Italian business excellence – as part of the initiative supported by ELITE – the Borsa Italiana program for the development and growth of high-potential companies -, from Confindustria and ALTIS Università Cattolica.

At the end of an in-depth, 6-month process of evaluating the self-assessment forms prepared by the participants and screened by experts from the multidisciplinary organization Deloitte, an independent jury made up of experts from the Italian institutional and academic world identified the winning companies.

The companies were evaluated based on six criteria: strategy, skills and innovation, commitment and corporate culture, governance and performance, internationalization and sustainability.

The ceremony, held last Monday at the Milan Stock Exchange, saw the participation of Giampaolo Mazzuca, PQE Group Partner & Cultural Brand Ambassador. This award also confirms that the processes we have implemented have been successful. An innovative organizational model, sustainability policies, and the PQE Academy are examples of how we focus our excellence on the most important asset for our business: our people.

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